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Thursday 1 November 2012

Profile Akatsuki and Biju

Nah Sobat Kalian Sudah Tau Akatsuki kan Kali ini saya akan memberi info anggota akatsuki dari yang dulu sampai sekarang dan profil para Biju

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The Akatsuki Organization
     The "Akatsuki" kanji means daybreak, breaking down the word itself gives us "aka" meaning red and "tsuki" meaning moon. Akatsuki was founded in the Rain Country by Yahiko, Konan and Nagato. Yahiko wanted to bring peace to the bloody, war-ridden country and sought like minded individuals at his side. When he met Rain leader Hanzou to talk peace, he was betrayed by the man and had to kill himself to save Konan's life. After being traumatized by Yahiko's death, Nagato adopted a new harder outlook on how to achieve peace as the group's new leader.

Akatsuki      Around this time the group became affiliated with a man claiming to be Uchiha Madara. The masked figure used his power and influence to secretly run the group and draw in new more deadly allies from throughout the world. Under this man, Akatsuki began to attract new S-Ranked criminals. Many of these are missing-nins who fled their villages after causing death and destruction. Over time most of the Akatsuki members were killed or neutralized in battle. There are currently only 2 active Akatsuki members: Tobi (Uchiha Obito) and Zetsu. Most members wear a forehead protector from their hidden village with a scratch through it, and all wear a ring identifying their position in the organization and a black cloak with red clouds. In the early years of the group, they acted as mercenaries for hire, offering their services to villages wary of taxing their own resources. While travelling about, the group members will work in groups of two collecting knowledge of new skills and jutsu.

Akatsuki      Akatsuki seeks to capture the Bijuu and their hosts the "Jinchuuriki," meaning the power of human sacrifice. These are the individuals possessing bijuu (tailed beasts) within their bodies. The demons are known by the number of tails their body possesses. When the Bijuu is removed from the Jinchuuriki's body, the host dies. All the captured hosts lost their lives save for Gaara, who was later resurrected with a tensei jutsu. The only remaining Bijuu are the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails within Naruto. Akatsuki's current base of operation is unknown, however they have multiple bases to which they can travel. These bases are used to summon the gigantic King of Hell statue known as Gedou Mazou. The statue's mouth is bound and his hands are cuffed. Each respective finger of the statue's hand represents the Akatsuki member. Each statue finger thus represents the kanji and ring finger of the member.

Akatsuki       The members have the ability to project their presence to their base, this allows them to remain out and about and still conduct the business of Jinchuuriki demon extraction. This process takes three days and nights due to the absence of Orochimaru. This length of time goes for both free roaming bijuu and bijuu enhanced Jinchuuriki. To begin to leach the power from the Jinchuuriki, the members will use the sealing technique of GenryuuKyuu Fuujin (Mystical Dragon Nine Exhaustion). This causes the mouth of the statue to open. Nine spectral dragons will emerge to coalesce around the Jinchuuriki to begin the extraction process. When extraction is completed, the bijuu spirit will be sealed within the statue and one of its eyes will open denoting a captured bijuu spirit. The Jinchuuriki themselves will fall back to the earth, dead.

     Akatsuki's ultimate goal is to control the world. This would be accomplished through capturing and sealing away the Bijuu into the Gedou Mazou statue. The tailed beasts were once part of one more powerful creature known as the Juubi. The first ninja, Rikudou Sennin, split the Juubi's soul from its body and sealed it within himself. He then encased its body in rock to create the moon. When his life was nearing its end, he split the Juubi out into 9 separate Bijuu. Akatsuki sought to recombine these Bijuu back into the Juubi. Uchiha Madara would then embue the Juubi into himself, to gain enough power to cast a permanent Genjutsu on the moon known as his "Eye of the Moon" plan. Because Madara's aging body would prevent him from seeing the plan to fruition, he took on a pupil, the heavily injured Uchiha Obito who would carry out his plan. This plan would make them the supreme power in the world and cause "peace" under their rule. To that end, Obito used the genetic material of Shodai Hokage and the captured Yamato, to greatly bolster his army of White Zetsu. Obito then aligned with the Orochimaru tissue-infected Yakushi Kabuto, who was working towards his own ends. With Kabuto's increase in power, he cast Edo Tensei, resurrected scores of dead ninja, including many former Akatsuki members and the deceased Uchiha Madara in his prime age form. Madara, who had planned to be revived by Nagato's Rinnegan powers, was instead brought back in an Edo Tensei form embued with Senju Hashirama's DNA. This granted him the ability to unlock the Rinnegan and eventually free himself from the binds of Edo Tensei, giving him an invincible body. With a combined army of White Zetsu, the resurrected ninja, Madara and Obito, Akatsuki declared war on the world and the Fourth Great Ninja War began.
The Gear
Ring and Manicure
Ring Drawn from ancient Chinese and Japanese lore, the kanji on each ring have served in the past as representations of Gods, to help in concentration before battle and in protection from evil. Their ring placement on their finger corresponds to their position on the summoned statue, with each member wearing the ring on a different finger. The rings seem important to each member, as Deidara was set on finding his when it was lost. Orochimaru also took his when he left the group, which apparently denied the group the ability to replace him with someone new. With Sasori's death, Tobi was eager to get his ring and join, but he would need to go through their entrance requirements first.

The Akatsuki member also has manicured and painted nails.
Forehead Protector
Protector Each member wears the traditional forehead protector of the hidden village from which they fled. The protector has been modified though to bear a large scratch through the symbol, showing they no longer hold the same ideals their village does.
Cloak Each member wears a black cloak that bears red clouds. The inside of the cloak is red in color. The cloak is knee length and has a high collar. Underneath the cloak the ninja is seen to wear the more traditional clothing of their home village.
Hat Members wear a traditional bamboo hat (kasa) to hide their appearance when traveling. The hat will be removed when the member enters battle.
The Members
Pain [Nagato] (Former Member - Deceased)
Click for alternate form
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 363
First Anime Teaser Appearance: Ep. 135
Hidden Village: Rain
Ring: Rei (Zero)
Finger Position: Right Thumb
Info: Pain acts as the leader of the group, though he and Konan secretly reported to Tobi. Pain's true form is that of Nagato, a frail man who uses a mechanical walker to transmit the chakra signals which manipulate the six Realm bodies. Nagato gained his Rinnegan powers from Uchiha Madara, who had secretly implanted his eyes into the young boy. Later, when Pain attacked Konoha he fought Naruto, and lost all his Realm bodies in the process. After speaking with Naruto, he learned they both shared similar philosophies. Being moved by Naruto's personality and will, Nagato hardened persona regained some hope in the future. Using the last of his power to atone for his deeds, Nagato used his Rinne Tensei, a jutsu Madara wanted to have used to resurrect him. This jutsu revived all those Nagato had killed at the cost of his life. He was later resurrected using Kabuto's Edo Tensei jutsu and neutralized through Itachi's Totsuka no Tsurugi.
Deidara (Former Member - Deceased)
Click for alternate form
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 247
First Anime Appearance: Shippuuden Ep. 2
Hidden Village: Rock
Ring: Sei (Blue-Green)
Finger Position: Right Index
Info: Deidara is from Hidden Rock and he utilizes mouths on his palms to create exploding art. He left his village behind to work as a terrorist for anti-nationalists. He was then invited into Akatsuki. He and his partner Sasori were responsible for capturing the One-Tail Jinchuuriki Gaara. Though he lost both arms in battle, both were reattached. After Sasori was killed, Tobi became his partner. Deidara later squared off against Uchiha Sasuke. Unfortunately Sasuke's Sharingan and his Lightning Element attacks got the better of Deidara's Earth based Exploding Clay. In anger, Deidara chose to self-detonate himself to show the true beauty of his art. He was later resurrected using Kabuto's Edo Tensei jutsu and neutralized, eventually losing his soul when the jutsu was ended.
Konan (Former Member - Deceased)
Click for alternate form
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 363
First Anime Teaser Appearance: Ep. 135
Hidden Village: Rain
Ring: Byaku/Haku (White)
Finger Position: Right Middle
Info: Konan is the lone female member of the group. She works alongside Pain. Konan possesses the ability to disperse her body into paper, which can then fold itself into butterfies for tracking purposes. When she was younger, she, Nagato and another orphan named Yahiko were trained by Jiraiya for a short period. He helped them become stronger and able to fend for themselves in the war torn Rain Country. She followed her friends in battle and saw her friend Yahiko die and Nagato become Pain. After Nagato entrusted his will to Naruto, she did as well. She returned to Rain with the bodies of her fallen friends and left the group. When Madara sought Nagato's Rinnegan, he fought Konan in battle. He eventually delivered a critical blow and found the information he needed.
Uchiha Itachi (Former Member - Deceased)
Click for alternate form
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 139
First Anime Appearance: Ep. 80
Hidden Village: Leaf
Ring: Shu (Scarlet)
Finger Position: Right Ring
Info: After murdering everyone in his clan, Uchiha Itachi fled his village and joined Akatsuki. Itachi was partnered with Hoshigaki Kisame. They were assigned to capture the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki Naruto. They attempted to capture Naruto once, but fled when confronted by Jiraiya. Itachi finally faced his brother Sasuke in battle and died. After the battle, Uchiha Madara revealed that Itachi had did everything for Konoha's well being, even sacrificing himself to help keep Sasuke out of Madara's hands. He was later resurrected using Kabuto's Edo Tensei jutsu. Itachi was then freed from control thanks to Uchiha Shisui's Mangekyou which had been implanted into Naruto earlier. Itachi with the help of Sasuke then confronted Kabuto and forced him to end Edo Tensei, freeing both Itachi's and the other resurrected ninja's souls.
Zetsu (White Zetsu [Former Member] - Deceased)
Zetsu First Manga Appearance: Ch. 234
First Anime Appearance: Ep. 134
Hidden Village: -
Ring: Kai (Boar)
Finger Position: Right Little
Info: Zetsu is an artificial human made by Uchiha Madara from the genetic material of Senju Hashirama and the root system of Gedou Mazou. His main body is split into two halfs, both white and black. The White Zetsu is able to make clones of himself which can communicate over short distances. These clones have their own personalities. Once such clone assisted in the healing of Uchiha Obito. Zetsu himself later teamed with Obito, then in the guise of Tobi, when Sasori fell in battle. With the outbreak of the Fourth Great Ninja War, the additional Mokuton chakra of Yamato allowed Obito and Yakushi Kabuto to power up the Gedou Mazou root system and generate thousands of White Zetsu clones. The original White Zetsu was then apparently killed by Uchiha Sasuke as a test of his powers, after he had finally recovered from having Itachi's eyes implanted. The White Zetsu clones remained unaffected and continued living.
Orochimaru (Former Member)
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First Manga Appearance: Ch. 49
First Anime Appearance: Ep. 27
Hidden Village: Sound
Ring: Sora (Sky)
Finger Position: Left Little
Info: After being passed over for Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru began to study forbidden jutsu. He then fled Leaf and joined Akatsuki. He was partnered with Sasori during this period. Orochimaru coveted Uchiha Itachi's Sharingan. He moved to take Itachi's body but Itachi bound Orochimaru with Genjutsu and cut off his arm. Orochimaru fled and took his ring with him. He would later form Hidden Sound and train Itachi's brother Sasuke. When he moved to insert his spirit into Sasuke, the young man bound Orochimaru in Genjutsu and suppressed him. Orochimaru's underling Kabuto also inserted some of Orochimaru's flesh into his body, which soon exerted its will by gradually taking over his body. When Orochimaru then managed to break free of Sasuke, Itachi sealed him away in Totsuka no Tsurugi. Later when Sasuke sought answers as to the true nature of the ninja world, he unsealed Orochimaru through Anko's cursed seal. Orochimaru then removed his remaining chakra and genetic material from Kabuto to regain full power.
Hoshigaki Kisame (Former Member - Deceased)
Click for alternate form
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 139
First Anime Appearance: Ep. 80
Hidden Village: Mist
Ring: Minami (South)
Finger Position: Left Ring
Info: Kisame engaged in murder and rebellion in his home country, fleeing Mist he joined Akatsuki. Kisame is partnered with Uchiha Itachi. He was assigned to capture the Yonbi Jinchuuriki and did so with little difficulty. When he was sent to capture the Hachibi Jinchuuriki Killer Bee, he was forced to merge with Samehada. Unfortunately Samehada liked the taste of the Hachibi chakra and betrayed Kisame. Kisame then faked his death and infiltrated the Lightning Country inside his former sword Samehada. He was eventually discovered and fought Might Guy in battle. He managed to deliver the data he gathered to Akatsuki and then killed himself to prevent the shinobi alliance from gather any intelligence from him.
Kakuzu (Former Member - Deceased)
Click for alternate form
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 312
First Anime Teaser Appearance: Ep. 135
Hidden Village: Waterfall
Ring: Hoku (North)
Finger Position: Left Middle
Info: Kakuzu is a missing-nin from Hidden Waterfall. He and his partner Hidan were responsible for acquiring the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki. He was a bounty hunter who often got sidetracked on bounty hunts. His body was stitched together by strange tendrils which he used to rip out the hearts of his opponents and then insert into his own body. This granted him their elemental affinities in the form of masked tendril entities. Along with his own Water affinity, he had access to Wind, Fire, Earth and Lightning attacks. Kakashi destroyed the Earth Heart, Hidan accidentally destroyed Water and Naruto destroyed Wind and Fire. Kakuzu was then finished off by Kakashi. He was later resurrected using Kabuto's Edo Tensei jutsu and neturalized, eventually losing his soul when the jutsu was ended.
Hidan (Former Member - Neutralized)
Click for alternate form
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 312
First Anime Teaser: Ep. 135
Hidden Village: Hot Springs
Ring: San (Three)
Finger Position: Left Index
Info: Hidan bears a large rope scythe and he admits that he is the slowest attacker of the group. He hails from Hot Springs village. He and his partner Kakuzu were responsible for acquiring the Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki. Hidan practices an evil god cult religion named Jashin. This religion loves chaos and death, and Hidan himself is near immortal due to the Kinjutsu used on him by Jashin. On one of Kakuzu's side bounty trips, he killed Sarutobi Asuma in battle using his Jashin Kinjutsu. He was eventually blown up and buried deep underground by Shikamaru. Because the Kinjutsu allows him to live only as long as he kills and performs his rituals, his burial underground may eventually cause his death.
Akasuna no Sasori (Former Member - Deceased)
Click for alternate form
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 247
First Anime Appearance: Shippuuden Ep. 2
Hidden Village: Sand
Ring: Tama (Sphere)
Finger Position: Left Thumb
Current Status: Deceased
Info: Sasori (meaning scorpion) traveled with Deidara from Hidden Rock. He was a legendary puppet master from Hidden Sand who left his village approximately 20 years before the start of the series. Sasori converted portions of his body into puppet parts, retaining a flesh and blood portion of his original self in a chest container. He used the "hitokugutsu" method to turn people into puppets while still alive, allowing him to use their jutsu even after their "death." He fell in battle to Chiyo and Sakura, hesitating to not avoid the lethal strike of his parents who had been made into puppets. He was later resurrected using Kabuto's Edo Tensei jutsu and neutralized, eventually reaching peace which freed his soul for good.
Tobi [Uchiha Obito]
Click for alternate form
First Manga Appearance: Ch. 239
First Anime Appearance: Shippuuden Ep. 32
Hidden Village: Leaf
Ring: Tama (Sphere)
Finger Position: Left Thumb
Info: Tobi initially appeared clumsy and was very polite in his speech. After Sasori was killed in battle, he took over Sasori's position in the group. He was then partnered with Deidara. After Deidara's death, it was revealed Tobi gave direction to Pain as the real Akatsuki leader "Uchiha Madara". Upon the outbreak of the Fourth Great Ninja War, Tobi's true identity was revealed as Uchiha Obito, who had been saved from death by the aging Uchiha Madara. Madara would help the boy heal and groom him to carry out his plans in his place upon his death. Madara's ultimate goal was to collect the 9 Bijuu and re-create the Juubi, which would be used to cast a mind-controlling Genjutsu on the moon, which would be used to control the world and enforce an everlasting peace.
The Groups
Deidara and Sasori
Deidara and Sasori were known for being artists. Deidara uses clay to model his explosive animals and Sasori was a master puppet maker. Deidara acted as the junior in their partnership, deferring to Sasori as the stronger ninja. This did not stop them from getting into spats about the nature of art though. After Sasori's death, Tobi assumed his position and role as Deidara's partner. Deidara was assigned to capture the Ichibi and Tobi the Sanbi. Sasori did not know where his Jinchuuriki was. It is unknown if this was the Sanbi or some other individual.
Deidara and Tobi
Deidara and Tobi share a very strained relationship. Always eager to impress his new teammates, Tobi was prone to excitement. This often annoyed Deidara who tried to do his best to show Tobi what it meant to be an Akatsuki member. Tobi was assigned to capture the Sanbi. Though he boasted that he took out the beast himself, he was helped in his assignment by Deidara. Deidara was unaware of Tobi's true nature during their time together.
Hidan and Kakuzu
Hidan and Kakuzu work together and share a somewhat testy relationship. Hidan follows a very strict religion, which annoys Kakuzu with its long rituals. Hidan is very defensive of the religion, causing Kakuzu to often get tired of his partner's diatribes. Kakuzu on the other hand often makes side-trips to collect bounties, which annoys Hidan. Hidan was assigned to capture the Nibi. It is unknown what tailed beast Kakuzu was assigned.
Itachi and Kisame
Itachi and Kisame work together and form a rather strong partnership. Both men seem to respect each other and Kisame seems to act as the junior in the group, deferring to Itachi's decisions. Itachi was assigned to capture the Kyuubi and Kisame was assigned the Yonbi.
Pain and Konan
Pain and Konan work together, carrying out a partnership that has lasted since their youth in the Rain Country. Both reported to "Madara", who operated in the guise of Tobi.
Yakushi Kabuto
Kabuto Several years before the series started, Kabuto worked for Sasori as a spy. He operated under Sasori's memory block jutsu and was placed into Orochimaru's confidence in the hopes of learning more about Orochimaru's body transfer jutsu. However, Orochimaru removed the memory block jutsu and the young man was impressed enough by Orochimaru that he chose to join him. Sasori was ignorant of this fact and had scheduled a meeting with Kabuto. Kabuto went to the meeting playing the part of his loyal spy, but he planned to kill Sasori with the help of Orochimaru. When Orochimaru himself was later neutralized by Sasuke, Kabuto implanted some of Orochimaru's tissue into his body, gaining new power in the process as it began to take over his body. He then located Tobi and offered his services to Akatsuki once again. To prove he was trustworthy, he resurrected Deidara, Itachi, Kakuzu, Nagato, Sasori and Uchiha Madara. He then worked alongside Tobi and Madara to control his many resurrected ninja during the Fourth Great Ninja War. Kabuto was eventually neutralized by the free Itachi, who caused Kabuto end the Edo Tensei.
Team Hawk
Team Hawk After Uchiha Madara revealed the true events behind Itachi's actions, Sasuke chose to side with the legendary ninja against Konoha. After that revelation, he changed the name of his team from "Snake" to "Hawk". The group then donned Akatsuki robes and set out to capture the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki for Madara. The group then infiltrated the meeting of the Five Kage, with Sasuke eventually abandoning the others to find revenge against Danzou. During the battle with Danzou, Sasuke sacrificed Karin's safety to kill the elder ninja from Konoha. The gravely wounded Karin was eventually captured by Konoha and expressed willingness to leave her ties to Akatsuki and Sasuke behind for good. Suigetsu and Juugo's still consider themselves Sasuke's allies, and have rejoined their comrade alongside the revived Orochimaru.
Ginji Former Akatsuki member Kakuzu was a bounty hunter and obsessed with wealth. He used the services of Ginji to manage his extensive wealth. After his death, Team Snake sought out Ginji to learn about Akatsuki's whereabouts.
Yuura Yuura has served as a trusted member of the Kazekage advisory council for four years. Little did Yuura know that he had been placed under a memory block jutsu for over a decade. This block was placed by his former master Sasori. The block made Yuura forget that he was actually gathering data and serving as a plant to wipe out the Sand's defenses. When Sasori returned to Hidden Sand, he activated Yuura and removed the memory block. Returning to his masters commands, Yuura wiped out the Sands defenses, allowing them easier access to capture Gaara. Yuura was later used in a sacrifical jutsu to provide a host body for Uchiha Itachi to inhabit when he fought Kakashi and Naruto. Zetsu later ate his body for sustenance.
Underling Mukade served was an underling of Akatsuki member Sasori. He was used as a sacrifice to take on the form of Hoshigaki Kisame in Pain's Shouten no Jutsu. Kisame fought Guy and managed to imprison Neji, Lee and TenTen. Guy was forced to open several gates and used his Asakujaku technique to pummel "Kisame" and defeat him. In the rubble, the body of Mukade lost its appearance and revealed to Guy that they had not actually been fighting Kisame at all.
Bounty Master Zangei was a bounty exchange master who ran one of the disposal centers located in Fire Country region. The center was located in a secret area accessed through a men's restroom. Akatsuki member Kakuzu often used this center to drop off corpses of the bounties he had collected. Zangei would gladly pay Kakuzu for his services. He was later captured by Konoha and taken in for interrogation by Morino Ibiki.
The Jinchuuriki and their Bijuu
Gaara and Shukaku the Ichibi
Gaara First Manga Appearance: Chapter 35
First Anime Appearance: Naruto Episode 20
Hidden Village: Sand
Rank: Kazekage
Bijuu: Shukaku the Ichibi (One-Tailed Tanuki Demon)
Power: Mini-Shukaku form ~ protective sand tanuki form, automatic sand defense
Drawbacks: If Gaara sleeps Shukaku can take control
Status: Captured
Akatsuki Member: Deidara
Info: Chiyo imbued the demon Shukaku into the Kazekage's son Gaara. Gaara lead a lonely life until he met Uzumaki Naruto. He pledged himself to prove his worth and protect his village. His drive led him to become Kazekage. He was defeated in battle by Deidara and Akatsuki removed the Shukaku demon from within Gaara, killing him. His body was then recovered and elder Sand ninja Chiyo gave up her own life through a resurrection jutsu to revive Gaara. Gaara would then continue as Sand Kazekage without the Bijuu, but would retain his sand powers.
1 Tail
Nii Yugito and Matatabi the Nibi
Yugito First Manga Appearance: Chapter 312
First Anime Appearance: Shippuuden Episode 71
Hidden Village: Cloud
Rank: Jounin
Bijuu: Two-Tailed Cat Demon
Power: Fiery mouth blasts
Drawbacks: Unknown
Status: Captured
Info: Yugito was a kunoichi from Hidden Cloud. Like Gaara and Naruto, she was an active part of her village. She contained the two-tailed cat demon, which was defeated in battle by Hidan and Kakuzu. Akatsuki then removed the Nibi from within Yugito, killing her. She was later resurrected by Yakushi Kabuto using Edo Tensei. Tobi implanted Sharingan and Rinnegan into her, and directed her and her fellow resurrected Jinchuuriki in battle against Naruto and Killer Bee. Her soul was eventually freed once the jutsu ended.
2 Tail
Yagura and Isobuu the Sanbi
Yagura First Manga Appearance: Chapter 317
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: Formerly Mist
Rank: Mizukage
Bijuu: Three-Tailed Turtle Demon
Status: Captured
Info: Akatsuki tracked down the location of the Sanbi, the three-tailed demon, which has the characteristics of turtles and shrimp. In the past, the Sanbi was imbued within Yagura, the Yondaime Mizukage. When Akatsuki captured it, Sanbi was "in the wild," with no Jinchuuriki host. For this reason he was weaker, as he could not properly control his power. Tobi was assigned to capture this demon and did so with the assistance of Deidara. This demon was succesfully sealed in the King of Hell by the group. Yagura was later resurrected by Yakushi Kabuto using Edo Tensei. Tobi implanted Sharingan and Rinnegan into him, and directed he and his fellow resurrected Jinchuuriki in battle against Naruto and Killer Bee. His soul was eventually freed once the jutsu ended.
3 Tail
Roushi and Son Gokuu the Yonbi
Roushi First Manga Appearance: Chapter 353
First Anime Appearance: Shippuuden Episode 121
Hidden Village: Rock
Rank: Unknown
Bijuu: Four-Tailed Demon Ape
Power: Youton Ninjutsu
Drawbacks: Unknown
Status: Captured
Info: Roushi contained the four-tailed demon, which took the form of a large lava-emitting gorilla.. He was made a Jinchuuriki by Hidden Rock, at some point he and his village parted company. He travelled the world to try and understand his powers. He used his Bijuu to create Youton (Lava Element) Ninjutsu, a combination of Earth and Fire Elements that created a lava which could melt through anything. He was defeated in battle by Kisame. Akatsuki then removed the Yonbi from within Roushi, killing him. He was later resurrected by Yakushi Kabuto using Edo Tensei. Tobi implanted Sharingan and Rinnegan into him, and directed he and his fellow resurrected Jinchuuriki in battle against Naruto and Killer Bee. His soul was eventually freed once the jutsu ended.
4 Tail
Han and Kokuou the Gobi
Han First Manga Appearance: Chapter 420
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: Rock
Rank: ?
Bijuu: Five-Tailed Demon Whale-Horse
Status: Captured
Info: Akatsuki captured Han and his Bijuu at some point in the past. The demon takes the form of a whale-horse hybrid. It is unknown which Akatsuki member captured the demon. Two of the unseen captured Jinchuuriki's were outcasts, who were abandoned by their village when Akatsuki came to capture them. Akatsuki removed the Gobi from within Han, killing him. He was later resurrected by Yakushi Kabuto using Edo Tensei. Tobi implanted Sharingan and Rinnegan into him, and directed he and his fellow resurrected Jinchuuriki in battle against Naruto and Killer Bee. His soul was eventually freed once the jutsu ended.
5 Tail
Utakata and Saiken the Rokubi
Utakata First Manga Appearance: Chapter 420
First Anime Appearance: Shippuuden Episode 144
Hidden Village: Mist
Rank: ?
Bijuu: Six-Tailed Demon Gastropod
Status: Captured
Info: Akatsuki captured Utakata and his Bijuu at some point in the past. The demon takes the form of a slimy slug. It is unknown which Akatsuki member captured the demon. Two of the unseen captured Jinchuuriki's were outcasts, who were abandoned by their village when Akatsuki came to capture them. This individual may have been one of the outcasts. Akatsuki removed the Rokubi from within Utakata, killing him. He was later resurrected by Yakushi Kabuto using Edo Tensei. Tobi implanted Sharingan and Rinnegan into him, and directed he and his fellow resurrected Jinchuuriki in battle against Naruto and Killer Bee. His soul was eventually freed once the jutsu ended.
6 Tail
Fuu and Choumei the Shichibi
Fuu First Manga Appearance: Chapter 420
First Anime Appearance: NA
Hidden Village: Waterfall
Rank: ?
Bijuu: Seven-Tailed Demon Rhino Beetle
Status: Captured
Info: Info: Akatsuki captured Fuu and her Bijuu at some point in the past. The demon takes the form of a beetle with six wings and one cerci acting as its tails. It is unknown which Akatsuki member captured the demon. Two of the unseen captured Jinchuuriki's were outcasts, who were abandoned by their village when Akatsuki came to capture them. This individual may have been one of the outcasts. Akatsuki removed the Shichibi from within Fuu, killing her. She was later resurrected by Yakushi Kabuto using Edo Tensei. Tobi implanted Sharingan and Rinnegan into her, and directed her and her fellow resurrected Jinchuuriki in battle against Naruto and Killer Bee. Hersoul was eventually freed once the jutsu ended.
7 Tail
Killer Bee and Gyuuki the Hachibi
Killer Bee First Manga Appearance: Chapter 408
First Anime Appearance: Shippuuden Episode 142
Hidden Village: Cloud
Rank: Unknown (Probably Jounin)
Bijuu: Eight-Tailed Demon Ox-Cephalopod
Power: Mini-Hachibi form ~ protective Hachibi chakra taking ox-cephalopod form, gigantic chakra and power boost to Bee
Status: Active
Info: Akatsuki has yet to find and seal two Jinchuuriki: Naruto and the Hachibi Bijuu named Kiraa Bii (Killer Bee). After Uchiha Madara swayed Sasuke to his side, he sent the young man after this Bijuu. Killer Bee posseses the ability to become his Bijuu, that of a tentacled ox beast. He was eventually knocked out by Sasuke's Amaterasu and taken for sealing. His body was revealed as a transformed tentacle, while the real Bee was still safe in Lightning. This allowed Bee to escape capture and evade Akatsuki. Bee then helped Naruto train to control the Kyuubi, and later fought alongside him in the Fourt Great Ninja War.
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Uzumaki Naruto and Kurama the Kyuubi
Naruto First Manga Appearance: Chapter 1
First Anime Appearance: Episode 1
Hidden Village: Leaf
Rank: Genin
Bijuu: Kyuubi no Youko (Nine-Tailed Fox Demon)
Power: Mini-Kyuubi form ~ protective Kyuubi chakra taking fox form, gigantic chakra and power boost to Naruto
Drawbacks: Excessive use of Kyuubi destroys Naruto's body and makes him a mindless killing machine
Status: Active
Info: Yondaime Hokage imprisoned the Kyuubi within Naruto after it attacked Konoha. Like many Jinchuuriki, Naruto led a lonely life. Over time though, he gained friends and left his life of despair behind. He has been trained by the Sannin Jiraiya to make full use of Jinchuuriki gifts. He later trained alongside Killer Bee to fully master control of the Kyuubi chakra. Upon finally coming to terms with the Kyuubi, Naruto fully partnered with Kurama, and gained access to his full power. Naruto then fought alongside Killer Bee in the Fourth Great Ninja War.
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